Getting started


The complete source of a runnable example is there

1. FlutterSoundPlayer instanciation

To play back something you must instanciate a player. Most of the time, you will need just one player, and you can place this instanciation in the variables initialisation of your class :

  import 'package:flutter_sound/flutter_sound.dart';
  FlutterSoundPlayer _mPlayer = FlutterSoundPlayer();

2. Open and close your player

Before calling startPlayer() you must open the Player.

When you have finished with it, you must close it. A good places to put those verbs are in the procedures initState() and dispose().

  FlutterSoundPlayer? _mPlayer = FlutterSoundPlayer();
  bool _mPlayerIsInited = false;

  void initState() {
    // Be careful : openPlayer returns a Future.
    // Do not access your FlutterSoundPlayer before the completion of the Future
    _mPlayer!.openPlayer().then((value) {
      setState(() {
        _mPlayerIsInited = true;
  void dispose() {
    // Be careful : you must `close` the audio session when you have finished with it.
    _mPlayer = null;


3. Play your sound

To play a sound you call startPlayer(). To stop a sound you call stopPlayer()

const _exampleAudioFilePathMP3 = '';

  void play() async {
    await _mPlayer!.startPlayer(
        fromURI: _exampleAudioFilePathMP3,
        codec: Codec.mp3,
        whenFinished: () {
          setState(() {});
    setState(() {});
  Future<void> stopPlayer() async {
    if (_mPlayer != null) {
      await _mPlayer!.stopPlayer();

PlayerStates Player States


The complete source of a runnable example is there

1. FlutterSoundRecorder instanciation

To record something you must instanciate a recorder. Most of the time, you will need just one recorder, and you can place this instanciation in the variables initialisation of your class :

  FlutterSoundRecorder _myRecorder = FlutterSoundRecorder();

2. Open and close your recorder

Before calling startRecorder() you must open your recorder.

When you have finished with it, you must close it. A good place to put those verbs is in the procedures initState() and dispose().

  void initState() {
    _mPlayer!.openPlayer().then((value) {
      setState(() {
        _mPlayerIsInited = true;
  void dispose() {
    // Be careful : you must `close` the recorder when you have finished with it.
    _mPlayer = null;


3. Record something

To record something you call startRecorder(). To stop the recorder you call stopRecorder()

  Future<void> record() async {
    await _myRecorder.startRecorder(
      toFile: _mPath,
      codec: Codec.aacADTS,
  Future<void> stopRecorder() async {
    await _myRecorder.stopRecorder();

RecorderStates Recorder States