Managing temporary records
Using path_provider
The App can get the temporary directory with the plugin path_provider and use it for startRecorder() parameter :
var tempDir = await getTemporaryDirectory();
String path = '${tempDir.path}/flutter_sound.aac';
await myRecorder.startRecorder( toFile: path, codec: Codec.aacADTS );
await myRecorder.stopRecorder();
await myPlayer.startPlayer( fromURI: path, codec: Codec.aacADTS );
This does not work well on Flutter Web, because you don’t have access to a real file system in a Web Browser.
Note: Temporary files are emulated by Flutter Sound on Flutter Web, using
objects. Using a temporary file name
If the App does not specify a full path to the startRecorder parameter (without any ‘/’), the startRecorder() argument is considered as a temporary file name.
await myRecorder.startRecorder( toFile: 'foo.aac', codec: Codec.aacADTS ); // Without any slash '/'.
await myRecorder.stopRecorder();
await myPlayer.startPlayer( fromURI: 'foo.aac', codec: Codec.aacADTS );
stopRecorder() returns a Future to the URL of the temporary file created if the App needs it.
await myRecorder.startRecorder( toFile: 'foo.aac', codec: Codec.aacADTS ); // Without any slash '/'.
String url = await myRecorder.stopRecorder();
await myPlayer.startPlayer( fromURI: url, codec: Codec.aacADTS );
All the temporary files created are automaticaly deleted when the App does a closeRecorder()].
This works on :
- Android
- iOS
- Flutter Web