
A Stream of callbacks

Having a callback from Flutter Sound during a playback or a recording is convenient and very simple. This guide is only because too many Flutter Sound users get problems with this very simple feature.

The Player API

  • Declare a subscription and listen to it
    StreamSubscription? _mPlayerSubscription;
      await _mPlayer.openPlayer();
      _mPlayerSubscription = _mPlayer.onProgress!.listen((e) {
        setState(() {
          pos = e.position.inMilliseconds;
  • Call setSubscripionDuration. This step is very important. By default, the duration is Duration.zero which means that the feature is desactivated. Many, many Flutter Sound users forget to call this verb.
      await _mPlayer.setSubscriptionDuration(
        Duration(milliseconds: 100), // 100 ms
  • When finished you can cancel your subscription
      if (_mPlayerSubscription != null) {
        _mPlayerSubscription = null;


A runnable example is here.

The Recorder API

  • Declare a subscription and listen to it
    StreamSubscription? _recorderSubscription;
      await await _mRecorder.openRecorder();;
      _recorderSubscription = _mRecorder.onProgress!.listen((e) {
        setState(() {
          pos = e.duration.inMilliseconds;
          if (e.decibels != null) {
            dbLevel = e.decibels as double;
  • Call setSubscripionDuration. This step is very important. By default, the duration is Duration.zero which means that the feature is desactivated. Many, many Flutter Sound users forget to call this verb.
      setState(() {});
      await _mRecorder.setSubscriptionDuration(
        Duration(milliseconds: 100), // 100 ms
  • When finished you can cancel your subscription
      if (_recorderSubscription != null) {
        _recorderSubscription = null;


A runnable example is here.

Trouble shooting

I don’t receive any event in my stream subscription

On Android, the Player position restarts sometimes to 0

There is a bug inside Android. I am not sure that we can do anything for that.