FlutterSoundHelper class
is a singleton which offers some utilities for handling audio files and buffers.
- FlutterSoundHelper()
- The factory which returns the Singleton factory
- noSuchMethod(
Invocation invocation) → dynamic - Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed. inherited
- pcmToWave(
{required String inputFile, required String outputFile, int numChannels = 1, int sampleRate = 16000, Codec codec = FSCodec.Codec.pcm16}) → Future< void> - Converts a raw PCM file to a WAVE file.
- pcmToWaveBuffer(
{required Uint8List inputBuffer, int numChannels = 1, int sampleRate = 16000, Codec codec = FSCodec.Codec.pcm16}) → Future< Uint8List> - Convert a raw PCM buffer to a WAVE buffer.
- setLogLevel(
Level theNewLogLevel) → void - Allows you to change the LogLevel.
- toString(
) → String - A string representation of this object. inherited
- uint8ListToFloat32List(
List< Uint8List> buf, {Endian endian = Endian.little}) → List<Float32List> - Transform a Uint8List to a Float32List
- waveToPCM(
{required String inputFile, required String outputFile}) → Future< void> - Convert a WAVE file to a Raw PCM file.
- waveToPCMBuffer(
{required Uint8List inputBuffer}) → Uint8List - Convert a WAVE buffer to a Raw PCM buffer.
- operator ==(
Object other) → bool - The equality operator. inherited