feedF32FromStream method
- List<
Float32List> buffer
Feed a Float32 stream not interleaved when a flow control is wanted
Please look to this small guide if you need help.
- buffer: is a List of Float32List containing the audio data that you want to play. The List length must be equal to the number of channels. All the Float32List length MUST be same and contain your data.
Returns a Future that you MUST await if you really need a flow control. This future is declared completed when the data has been played, or at least when they had be given to the lower layer of the software. Note: don't use the int
returned. It is just for legacy reason and must not be used.
await myPlayer.startPlayerFromStream
codec: Codec.pcmFloat32
numChannels: 2
sampleRate: 48100
interleaved: false,
await myPlayer.feedF32FromStream(myData);
See also
- feedInt16FromStream()
- feedUint8FromStream()
- float32Sink
- int16Sink
- uint8ListSink
- Please look to this small guide if you need help
Future<int> feedF32FromStream(List<Float32List> buffer) async {
await _waitOpen();
if (_isInited != Initialized.fullyInitialized) {
throw Exception('Player is not open');
if (isStopped) {
return 0;
_needSomeFoodCompleter =
Completer<int>(); // Not completed until the device accept new data
try {
var ln = await (FlutterSoundPlayerPlatform.instance.feedFloat32(
data: buffer,
assert(ln >= 0); // feedFromStream() is not happy if < 0
if (ln != 0) {
// If the device accepted some data, then no need to wait
// It is the tau_core responsability to send a "needSomeFood" then it is again available for new data
_needSomeFoodCompleter = null;
return (ln);
} else {
//logger.i("The device has enough data");
} on Exception {
_needSomeFoodCompleter = null;
if (isStopped) {
return 0;
if (_needSomeFoodCompleter != null) {
return _needSomeFoodCompleter!.future;
return 0;