startRecorder method
- Codec codec = Codec.defaultCodec,
- String? toFile,
- StreamSink<
List< ? toStreamFloat32,Float32List> > - StreamSink<
List< ? toStreamInt16,Int16List> > - StreamSink<
Uint8List> ? toStream, - int? sampleRate,
- int numChannels = 1,
- int bitRate = 16000,
- int bufferSize = 8192,
- bool enableVoiceProcessing = false,
- AudioSource audioSource = AudioSource.defaultSource,
starts recording a recorder.
If an openRecorder() is in progress, startRecorder()
will automatically wait the end of the opening.
- codec: The codec to be used. Please refer to the Codec compatibility Table to know which codecs are currently supported.
- One of the following parameters
- toFile: a path to the file being recorded or the name of a temporary file (without slash '/').
- toStream: if you want to record to a Dart Stream interleaved. Please look to the following notice.
- toStreamFloat32: if you want to record to a Dart Stream NOT interleaved with a Float32 coding. Please look to the following notice.
- toStreamInt16: if you want to record to a Dart Stream NOT interleaved with a Int16 coding. Please look to the following notice.
- sampleRate: The sample rate in Hertz (used only with PCM codecs)
- numChannels: The number of channels (1=monophony, 2=stereophony) (used only with PCM codecs)
- bitRate: The bit rate in Hertz. Optional
- audioSource : possible value is :
- defaultSource
- microphone
- voiceDownlink (if someone can explain me what it is, I will be grateful ;-) )
Hint: path_provider can be useful if you want to get access to some directories on your device. To record a temporary file, the App can specify the name of this temporary file (without slash) instead of a real path.
Flutter Sound does not take care of the recording permission. It is the App responsability to check or require the Recording permission. Permission_handler is probably useful to do that.
// Request Microphone permission if needed
PermissionStatus status = await Permission.microphone.request();
if (status != PermissionStatus.granted)
throw RecordingPermissionException("Microphone permission not granted");
await myRecorder.startRecorder(toFile: 'foo', codec: t_CODEC.CODEC_AAC,); // A temporary file named 'foo'
See also
Future<void> startRecorder({
Codec codec = Codec.defaultCodec,
String? toFile,
StreamSink<List<Float32List>>? toStreamFloat32,
StreamSink<List<Int16List>>? toStreamInt16,
StreamSink<Uint8List>? toStream,
int? sampleRate,
int numChannels = 1,
int bitRate = 16000,
int bufferSize = 8192,
bool enableVoiceProcessing = false,
AudioSource audioSource = AudioSource.defaultSource,
}) async {
_logger.d('FS:---> startRecorder ');
if ((codec == Codec.pcm16 || codec == Codec.pcmFloat32) &&
(toStream != null ||
toStreamFloat32 != null ||
toStreamInt16 != null) &&
(!kIsWeb) &&
.isIOS) // This hack is just to have recorder to stream working correctly.
FlutterSoundRecorder recorder = FlutterSoundRecorder();
await recorder.openRecorder();
try {
await recorder.startRecorder(
codec: Codec.aacMP4,
toFile: "FlutterSound.mp4",
audioSource: audioSource,
} catch (e) {
_logger.d('Hacking the bug we have on iOS when recording to stream');
await recorder.stopRecorder();
await recorder.closeRecorder();
await stopRecorder(); // No two recorders at the same time
if (sampleRate == null) {
sampleRate = await getSampleRate();
if (sampleRate == 0) {
sampleRate = 16000;
await _lock.synchronized(() async {
await _startRecorder(
codec: codec,
toFile: toFile,
toStream: toStream,
toStreamFloat32: toStreamFloat32,
toStreamInt16: toStreamInt16,
//timeSlice: timeSlice,
sampleRate: sampleRate!,
numChannels: numChannels,
bitRate: bitRate,
bufferSize: bufferSize,
enableVoiceProcessing: enableVoiceProcessing,
audioSource: audioSource,
_logger.d('FS:<--- startRecorder ');