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startPlayer method - FlutterSoundPlayer class - player library - Dart API

startPlayer method

Future<Duration?> startPlayer({
  1. Codec codec = Codec.aacADTS,
  2. String? fromURI,
  3. Uint8List? fromDataBuffer,
  4. int sampleRate = 16000,
  5. int numChannels = 1,
  6. TWhenFinished? whenFinished,

Used to play a sound on a player open with openPlayer().

If you are new to Flutter Sound, you may look to this simple guide. If you want to play from a dart stream, use the verb startPlayerFromStream instead of this verb.

When you want to stop the player, you call the verb stopPlayer(). Note : Flutter Sound does not stop automatically the player when finished. If you want this, use the whenFinished parameter.


  • codec: is the audio and file format of the file/buffer. Very often, the codec: parameter is not useful. Flutter Sound will adapt itself depending on the real format of the file provided. But this parameter is necessary when Flutter Sound must do a format conversion. Please refer to the Codec compatibility Table to know which codecs are currently supported.
  • One of the two following parameters:
    • fromDataBuffer: (if you want to play from a data buffer)
    • fromUri: (if you want to play a file or a remote URI). The fromUri parameter, if specified, can be one of three possibilities :
      • The URL of a remote file.
      • The path of a local file. Hint: path_provider can be useful if you want to get access to some directories on your device.
      • The name of a temporary file (without any slash '/').
  • sampleRate: is mandatory with raw PCM codecs (codec == Codec.pcm16 or Codec.pcmFloat32). Not used for other codecs.
  • numChannels: is only used with raw PCM codecs (codec == Codec.pcm16 or Codec.pcmFloat32). Its value is the number of channels,
  • whenFinished:() : A function for specifying what to do when the playback will be finished.

Note: You must specify one or the two parameters : fromUri, fromDataBuffer.


startPlayer() returns a Duration Future, which is the record duration.



        Duration d = await myPlayer.startPlayer(
            codec: Codec.aacADTS,
            fromURI: 'foo'
        ); // Play a temporary file

        _playerSubscription = myPlayer.onProgress.listen((e)
                // ...
        myPlayer.setSubscriptionDuration(Duration(milliseconds: 100));


    final fileUri = "";

    Duration d = await myPlayer.startPlayer // Play a remote file
                codec: Codec.mp3,
                fromURI: fileUri,
                whenFinished: ()
                         logger.d( 'I hope you enjoyed listening to this song' );
                         myPlayer.stopPlayer().then ( (_) { setState((){}); );

See also


Future<Duration?> startPlayer({
  Codec codec = Codec.aacADTS,
  String? fromURI,
  Uint8List? fromDataBuffer,
  int sampleRate = 16000, // Used only with PCM codecs
  int numChannels = 1, // Used only with PCM codecs
  TWhenFinished? whenFinished,
}) async {
  Duration? r;
  await _lock.synchronized(() async {
    r = await _startPlayer(
      codec: codec,
      fromURI: fromURI,
      fromDataBuffer: fromDataBuffer,
      sampleRate: sampleRate,
      numChannels: numChannels,
      whenFinished: whenFinished,
  }); // timeout: Duration(seconds: 10));
  return r;
flutter_sound 9.25.3